How I Met You and Your Mother – Behind the scene (How to encrypt your message)

Hahahaha … I believe many people has been deceived by my previous post ‘How I Met You and Your Mother’. I can see it here by reading the server log :)) *read the first part – ‘How I Met You and Your Mother’ here As a lecturer, If I want to give my students tasks I […]

mYprize Evaluation Progress Update

Hello, We would like to update you on the progress of mYprize. Currently all entries are in the evaluation stage and we will be releasing mYprize video episodes starting from 22 February 2011. The episodes will be uploaded online on each week leading towards the announcement ceremony. (Date will be confirmed soon) In these […]

mYprize Final Countdown & Important Dates

Hi YES Innovators! We’re just 2 DAYS away from the closing of mYprize! It’s down to the final week of submissions, closing on the 30 November 2010. (Next Tuesday). The YES Innovation Network would like to thank everyone that has participated and are looking forward to collaborate on opportunities together. We would like to take […]

Its just a state of mind 2

Sehabis gw baca previous blog gw, lama” gw sendiri ngerasa songong juga ya gw. Duh serasa sepa’ banget deh. Jadi kmakan omongan sendiri rasanya, gara” ngatain seorang ‘ahli security wannabe’ (baca: script kiddies) di suatu seminar beberapa waktu lalu. Ceritanya begini, beberapa waktu yg lalu gw menghadiri seminar security di senayan, disana gw bertemu rekan” dari […]

Diantara banyak OS

Mendadak dangdut gini jadi pengen cerita pengalaman ber-komputer-ria gw selama ini Semenjak gw demen sama teknologi dan mulai memasuki dunia IT dari SMP (ketara banget freaknya yah:)) ) gw dah nyobain bermacam-macam OS. Yang paling pertama adalah Windows 95. Jadi inget betapa hebohnya masa” itu plg demen nyetel VCD pake Media Player. Kalo rusak dikit […]

OFSE: In the end (Result)

Huaaahhhh ….. sebel …. cape …ngantuk … tapi worth lah buat hasilnya buat OFSE ini walaupun gw baru pertama kali ngalamin. Hari Pertama … Database (13.2.07) ~ 10.30-11.15 -> Examiner : James Purnama, M.Sc -> Observer : Prof. Dr. Marsudi W. Kisworo Pertanyaannya berputar diantara 3NF, Table Join, Aggregate function, Database vs File System, DML […]

OFSE (Oral Final Semester Examination)

hwehwehwewhewhwe….. menjelang akhir semester 7, setelah final examination. siswa SGU wajib menjalani yang namanya OFSE. OFSE adalah suatu prosedur pengujian secara lisan dan tulisan, Siswa/i dipanggil oleh pengawas ujian pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, dia akan memasuki ruang penguji untuk mengambil soal ujiannya. Soal ujiannya disediakan dalam amplop tertutup dan ada beragam versi dari soal […]