Pagination, PHP code share ;) – Part 1

Believing that sharing knowledge is the best interest for greater good and to preserve our legacies. I’ve decided to release one-by-one some of codes that I’ve used on my past projects to public including how to use it 😉

Below are codes that I used to create pagination based on PHP language. For manual please refer to 2nd chapter of this post (I’ll write it soon ;D).

This post also available on scribd as PDF file, feel free to visit

I will be happier if someone can also improve these codes and share it in here 😀 Right implementation of these codes will generate paging exactly like shown on picture below

Paging Example


Here are the codes

/* -----------------------------------------------------
 * File name   : paging.class.php
 * Version	   : 2.1
 * Created by  : [email protected]
 * Created on  : 02.06.2008
 * Implemented : 16.06.2008
 * Last Update : 18.04.2011
 * -----------------------------------------------------
 * Licensed : Non commercial, GPL, derivative codes
 * from Magnolia framework. find out more on
 * -----------------------------------------------------
 * Purpose : Pagination class directly translated to
 * OOP from my structured pagination library.
 * -----------------------------------------------------

class Pagination {
	var $pageOffset;
	var $pageNum;
	var $maxPage;
	var $query;
	var $firstPage;
	var $prevPage;
	var $nextPage;
	var $lastPage;
	var $self;
	var $querystring;
	var $numRows;
	var $rpp;
	var $rpp_array;
	function __construct() {
		$this->rpp_array = array(10,25,50,100,200,500,1000);
		$this->self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
		$this->pageNum = (empty($_GET['page']) OR !is_numeric($_GET['page']))?1:$_GET['page'];
	function setPageQuery($query) {
		$this->query = $query;
	function paginate() {
		$this->rpp = (!in_array($_GET['rpp'],$this->rpp_array))?25:$_GET['rpp'];
		$this->pageOffset = ($this->pageNum - 1) * ($this->rpp);
		$this->maxPage = ceil($this->getPageRows()/$this->rpp);
			$args = explode("&",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
			foreach($args as $arg) {
				$keyval = explode("=",$arg);
				if($keyval[0] != "page" && $keyval[0] != "rpp") $this->querystring .= "&" . $arg;
		if($_POST) {
			foreach($_POST as $key=>$val){
				if($key != "page" && $key != "rpp") $this->querystring .= "&$key=$val";
		if ($this->pageNum > 1) {
   			$page = $this->pageNum - 1;
   			$this->prevPage  = "<a href=\"$this->self?page=$page&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\">Prev</a> | ";
			$this->firstPage = "<a href=\"$this->self?page=1&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\">First</a> | ";
		else {
   			$this->prevPage  = '';
   			$this->firstPage = '';
		if ($this->pageNum < $this->maxPage) {
			$page = $this->pageNum + 1;
   			$this->nextPage = "<a href=\"$this->self?page=$page&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\">Next</a> | ";
   			$this->lastPage = "<a href=\"$this->self?page=$this->maxPage&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\">Last</a> | ";
		else {
   			$this->nextPage = '';
   			$this->lastPage = '';
	function getPageRows(){
		$query_rows = @mysql_query($this->query) or die(mysql_error());
		$this->numRows = mysql_num_rows($query_rows);
		return $this->numRows;
	function getPageArray(){
		$limit = "$this->query LIMIT ".$this->getPageOffset().", $this->rpp;";
		$limit_query = @mysql_query($limit) or die(mysql_error());
		return $limit_query;
	function getPageOffset(){
		return $this->pageOffset;
	function getPageQString(){
		$query_string = "page=$this->pageNum&rpp=$this->rpp";
		return $query_string;
	function pagingJMenu(){
		if ($this->maxPage <= 1) {
			$jump_menu = '';
		else {
			$page_items_menu = '';
			$jump_menu = "\nPage $this->pageNum of $this->maxPage\n";

			 * Use this part of codes to create page input explorer.
			 * Users only need to input the page he/she wants to view.
			 * $jump_menu = "\nPage <input type=\"text\" name=\"pageExp\" value=\"(isset($_GET["pageExp"]))?$_GET["pageExp"]:$this->pageNum;\" /> of $this->maxPage\n";
			 * /

			 * Use this part of codes to generate page explorer drop down menu.
			 for($page= 1; $page <= $this->maxPage; $page++) {
				$page_items_menu .= ($page == $this->pageNum)?"<option value=\"$this->self?page=$page&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\" selected>$page</option>\n":"<option value=\"$this->self?page=$page&rpp=$this->rpp$this->querystring\">$page</option>\n";
			 $jump_menu = "\nPage \n<select onchange=\"[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')\">\n$page_items_menu</select>\n of $this->maxPage\n";
		return $jump_menu;
	function pagingRpp(){
		$items = '';
		foreach($this->rpp_array as $rpp_opt)	{
			$items .= ($rpp_opt == $this->rpp)?"<option value=\"$this->self?page=1&rpp=$rpp_opt$this->querystring\" selected>$rpp_opt</option>\n":"<option value=\"$this->self?page=1&rpp=$rpp_opt$this->querystring\">$rpp_opt</option>\n";
		return "\nRows per page : \n<select onchange=\"[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')\">\n$items</select>\n";
	function pagingMenu(){
		$dispMenu = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n".
					"	<tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">".$this->pagingJMenu()."</td>".
		 			"		<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">$this->firstPage $this->prevPage $this->nextPage $this->lastPage ".$this->pagingRpp()."</td>".
		 			"	</tr>\n".
		return $dispMenu;





Creative Commons License
Pagination, PHP code share 😉 – Part 1 by M. Aryo N. Pratama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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